Sunday, January 30, 2011

8 (ish) weeks more

This weekend has included the worst heartburn of my life. Killer leg cramps. A pulled muscle in my leg (did it at the library-SMH). It wasn't all bad. I had a fantastic time at the Fiskateer Tweet Up in L.A. Spent time with my BF. Made yummy Oatmeal Applesauce muffins for breakfast.

But seriously, I'm done. I am trying hard to enjoy this last pregnancy, but it is really, really hard. I will miss the kicks and punches (not at 2 a.m. though).

In 8 weeks or so, I will be holding my new baby boy. My life will not be the same and I am trying hard to enjoy all these moments and looking forward to the (heartburn free) new ones.


Susan said...

Hang in there! You are in the homestretch now! You can do it!

Tanya Napier said...

Thanks girl! I think I can, I think I can...

Weird though- last night I went to lay down and realized I hadn't had heartburn all day. Can't remember the last time that happened. Maybe I was too busy to notice!

Laura Bray said...

You mean I missed you? I was going to go to the Tweet Up, but was just darn tired. Bummer! Hope you feel better soon!