My family has the head cook of this operation back. I cook every night again. I cook breakfast- a lot. I have been baking. I have begun a new relationship with my slow cooker. I am trying really hard to eat protein and iron rich foods to deal with this cursed anemia that wipes me out.
I must put cream cheese on everything. It's wonderful. It's amazing how great you feel when that horrible sickness that consumed your every waking hour is gone. You see food in a different light.
Now I'm starting some new little lovelies of pregnancy, but all I have to do is reflect on what I've been through and they seem small. The heartburn is worth the price to pay to eat enchiladas with hot sauce again...
When I was pregnant, I had horrible heartburn-no matter what I ate. Try some mango (you can buy it sliced in jars in the produce section). Eat it before meals and the enzymes will help with the heartburn. It really helped me.
Glad to hear you did your children's play kitchen! My daughter is keeping hers neat too. Have we finally hit on a way to motivate them to be organized?
Have a Merry Christmas!
Mango, huh? I'm going to have to pick some up!
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